Lorenzo Bruno #F62HvBn Vested Men's 2 Button Single Breasted Suit Jacket with Notch Lapel and trimmed Collar matching the Pants. The stylish FLAT FRONT Pants have 4 pockets and are lined to the knee for comfort and Style. The Vest matches the Jacket and has 5 leather button closure and has the Scoop Cut detail which High Lights the Man Shirt Tie Hankie Ensemble …guarantee to catch a Pretty Eye, All available Now just $199.99 at Bergan Brothers. Thanks for more info call us at 315-471-9162.. Not Your Average Mens Store.

Lorenzo Bruno #F62HvBn Vested Men's 2 Button Single Breasted Suit Jacket with Notch Lapel and trimmed Collar matching the Pants. The stylish FLAT FRONT Pants have 4 pockets and are lined to the knee for comfort and Style. The Vest matches the Jacket and has 5 leather button closure and has the Scoop Cut detail which High Lights the Man Shirt Tie Hankie Ensemble …guarantee to catch a Pretty Eye, All available Now just $199.99 at Bergan Brothers. Thanks for more info call us at 315-471-9162.. Not Your Average Mens Store.
Item# LorenzoBrunoF62HvBn
Regular price: $399.00
Sale price: $199.99
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Product Description

Lorenzo Bruno #F62HvBn Vested Men's 2 Button Single Breasted Suit Jacket with Notch Lapel and trimmed Collar matching the Pants. The stylish FLAT FRONT Pants have 4 pockets and are lined to the knee for comfort and Style. The Vest matches the Jacket and has 5 leather button closure and has the Scoop Cut detail which High Lights the Man Shirt Tie Hankie Ensemble …guarantee to catch a Pretty Eye, All available Now just $199.99 at Bergan Brothers. Thanks for more info call us at 315-471-9162.. Not Your Average Mens Store.


Daniel Ellissa Ds3793p2 _Brown PinStripe_ Men's French Cuff Dress Shirt _Old School Banker Stripe_ Shirt and matching Collar and French Cuff with beautiful color keyed cuff links all just $49.99. The Tie and matching Hankie combo Demands Attention and Get them Talking when YOU show up, all available NOW @ BerganBrothersSuits.com.
Daniel Ellissa Ds3793p2 _Brown PinStripe_ Men's French Cuff Dress Shirt _Old School Banker Stripe_ Shirt and matching Collar and French Cuff with beautiful color keyed cuff links all just $49.99. The Tie and matching Hankie combo Demands Attention and Get them Talking when YOU show up, all available NOW @ BerganBrothersSuits.com.
Regular price: $75.00
Sale price: $39.99
Size:  Color: 
Liberty Ls747 -2 tone- Exotic Print Shoes Brown Tie Up -Spectator- Style, now with Exotic Croco toe and heel with micro-suede middle of the shoe now. The Newest release from Liberty Shoes styled in Italy available now @BerganBrothersSuits.com
Liberty Ls747 -2 tone- Exotic Print Shoes Brown Tie Up -Spectator- Style, now with Exotic Croco toe and heel with micro-suede middle of the shoe now. The Newest release from Liberty Shoes styled in Italy available now @BerganBrothersSuits.com
Regular price: $110.00
Sale price: $39.99
Size:  Color: 
Liberty Ls822 Exotic Croco Print Shoes "Beige Brown" 2 tone Tie Up Style. Exotic print finish and available now @BerganBrothersSuits.com. Thanks for more info call us at 315-471-9162.
Liberty Ls822 Exotic Croco Print Shoes "Beige Brown" 2 tone Tie Up Style. Exotic print finish and available now @BerganBrothersSuits.com. Thanks for more info call us at 315-471-9162.
Regular price: $110.00
Sale price: $39.99
Size:  Color: 
Fortino Landi #5758 "Chocolate Brown" Spectator Shoes with a "Twist" Exotic EEL print Tie Ups for Style and comfort just $69.99. These Shoes Look like Money and You will Look Great in These Babies. Fortino Landi Newest release  for You @BerganBrothersSuits.com
Fortino Landi #5758 "Chocolate Brown" Spectator Shoes with a "Twist" Exotic EEL print Tie Ups for Style and comfort just $69.99. These Shoes Look like Money and You will Look Great in These Babies. Fortino Landi Newest release for You @BerganBrothersSuits.com. These Shoes are available now in sizes 8.5 to 13 @BerganBrothersSuits.com Thanks for more info call us at 315-471-9162.. Not Your Average Mens Store.

Regular price: $95.00
Sale price: $69.99
Size:  Color: 
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